Luke has a problem with rich people and uses a lot of the saying of Jesus that deal with the rich. In the Magnificent, Luke 1:53, Mary says, “He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.” In Luke 4 Jesus says he has come to preach good news to the poor. In Luke 6:24, “But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort”. In Luke 12 he tells the story of a rich man who had a huge windfall crop and decided to build bigger barns and live off it the rest of his life. God calls him a fool and requires his life that very night, because it never occurred to him that God gave the increase to share with his neighbors, laborers, tenant farmers, slaves and day laborers.
So right from the start we see that Luke is not so much against the rich as he is the rich using their riches for selfish ends, or, rather, selfish people.
The parable of the Richman and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31 is a parable of contrasts between two men (the only things they have in common are that they are both men, they live in close proximity and they both die). One is filthy rich, one is a poor beggar; one is a somebody, one a nobody; one is vertical, one is horizontal; one in high society, one below society; one feasting, one starving; one in fine clothes, one naked and in rags; one inside, one outside; one healthy, one dying; one anointed with oil and wine, one full of sores and anointed by the saliva of dogs; one lives in a mansion, one lives outside the gate; one has servants, one is alone.
Both die! One has a funeral (although not said, you can imagine the magnificence), one is not buried but taken by Angels and a complete reversal of life begins. The one known only as “Richman” (maybe to symbolize any rich man?) is now the one outside the gate, without food, without water, without friends, without servants, without fine clothes and burning in the torment of the flames of hell.
The other man, known as Lazarus (God helps or God is my only help), is feasting at the Banquet table of Christ in heaven. (Bosom means embrace or hug.) He is seated at the head of the table beside Abraham, the Father of many nations, in the place of honor. On earth he was a nobody, but in heaven he is at the place of extreme honor!
Richman looks up and sees the events in heaven and Lazarus beside Abraham. He yells out “Father Abraham, have mercy on me”, which shows that he knew the right words to say. “Lord, have mercy on me” is the phrase that stops the universe when we say it. From David, to Bartimaeus, to the Canaanite woman, to the tax collector in the Temple and to any and everyone who begged for mercy, God stopped His universe and shed His grace on that person. So Richman knew the right words to say, but he refused to say them in this life—he had things too good! He didn’t want God interfering with his prosperity.
But as soon as he was in hell they are the first words out of his mouth, but it was too late—eternity has begun. Anyway, his plea for mercy was not for his soul but for a drop of cool water on his tongue in the flames of torment. “Send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame”. Abraham answered, “No! In life you had good things and Lazarus bad, besides there is a great barrier that cannot be crossed”.
Well, “send Lazarus again to warn my 5 brothers—just like me. No! They have Moses and the Prophets (Bible), let them hear them”. Richman didn’t even notice Lazarus when he was alive—he was like shrubbery or a rock, always there (if not Lazarus, someone like him).
Richman went to hell because his heart was never changed. He didn’t go to hell because he had money; he went to hell because he was a selfish sinner, and the refusal to help Lazarus was just an example of his selfish heart. All of his love was curved back in on itself—the world revolved around him. He didn’t have compassion, he was not saved, and he did not go to heaven.
He was his own God—he wanted people worshiping him. Anyone or anything besides him was made to be used. Failure to help the beggar Lazarus who was dying was simply a sign that he was not saved; his heart was not changed. One example among a lifetime of selfish living!
Abraham refused to consider sending Lazarus back to warn Richman’s brothers because warning just doesn’t work. The only means that God has chosen to reach his children is the Word. Romans 10:17, “So faith comes from hearing the word of God.” The Spirit works in and through the word of God and will never contradict the Word. Faith is developed when the Word is read, preached and heard. That is God’s way; that is God’s plan!
God has a message to America today. It is time to stand tall, grow up and stop the nonsense before a lot of innocent people get killed. It is time to get into the Bible, to seek the God of the Bible.
Like Father Abraham told the rich man in hell about his brothers: “They have the Bible, let them hear it!” America, we have the Bible, hear it, listen to it, study it. It sheds light on this dark world, by hearing it the lost are saved. There is one thing you can do for America today: Pick up the word, read it, listen to it, believe it, share it! Listen to someone explain it, open it up. When you do God will speak to your heart through it
The fight for America now is from street to street and from house to house, from person to person. Step up and join the fight! America needs you now as never before. In Romans 6 where Paul talks about the whole armor of God, the only offensive weapon is the “sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God!” Learn it, and use it!