WEDNESDAY – 5/27/20
I know that almost everyone speaking on the Covid-19 virus has an agenda and it is hard to get exact figures or even figures you can believe. But most agree that there has been close to 100,000 deaths in America attributed to the Covid-19 virus. That is more Americans than were killed in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf war, Afghanistan and Iraq combined! So anyway you look at it or whomever you believe, it is still frightening! It seems to me that many people have decided that the danger is over and that it was just a political issue. 100,000 deaths is not a just political issue!
On the other hand, It is hard to imagine a lockdown imposed on such a wide basis with so little discussion or debate. But countries, including America, did what they thought the situation required given the information they had. The closing down of America was not a well thought-out process and was a desperate response to a desperate need. Governments are trying to put the lockdown behind them because all have paid a terrible price, economically, and in human tragedy. It may be that deaths from the shutdowns already outnumber those who were saved by the shutdowns—it certainly has in most of the world.
The combination of the Covid-19 and the closures of economies have driven close to ½ billion people to extreme poverty (under $2.00 a day), and many will not recover. Millions of people are starving to death. Immunizations for other diseases are taking a heavy toll and WHO says that if the economy, including the immunizations, is not restarted soon we will be losing 140 children for every person saved from Covid-19. Just a 3 month lockdown will cause 1.4 million deaths from tuberculosis alone. Measles and other disease vaccinations have decreased drastically everywhere, even in rich countries.
Better testing is a must. Without it, countries are simply blind. Canada quickly figured that 80% of their deaths were from nursing homes; Germany figured that it was from slaughter houses where the virus thrived in the coolers. South Korea found out it mainly came from their bars; Sweden that it was mainly their refugees who lived in crowded conditions. In America we don’t know as much yet. We know men die twice as much as women and that Blacks die more often than Whites or Latinos.
Our economy must reopen now! Markets must open but with safeguards in place and probably for a long time. Too many people seem to think that all is clear but nothing could be further from the truth.
Unlike the flu the virus, it seems to mostly miss children—one of the anomalies of the situation. We are living in unprecedented times with an unprecedented virus we know little about. But we do know that it kills older folks and sick people! The death rate doubles for the elderly! And it triples with heart, diabetes, and/or kidney patients and those with low immune systems.
With all of that said, the Church is still a must for most people. If you want to know about something, the what, the how and the when go to science. But the why questions are religious questions and cannot be handled by science. Questions like, “Why is there something instead of nothing? What was there before the Big Bang? Why do those universal constants in natural laws have exactly the values they do to make complexity possible? What is beauty all about? What does love mean?” (Francis Collins’ questions).
It is the churches that are taking the biggest hits from the combination of the virus and the shutdown. It has been estimated that about 1/3 of churches will close permanently. It is the elderly who are backbone of church and they are the ones who are the most vulnerable to the disease and the ones who are the least tech savvy. And they are the least likely to come back to church anytime soon. Many churches do not have cash reserves to tide them over for more than a few months. Many of the so called “mega” Churches were deep in debt before the pandemic.
While we are free to come back to Church, according to our Governor we must wear masks and practice social distancing. A reality is that most will continue to stay away and/or watch services online. Our Church must be commended because our giving has remained somewhat constant. The ones who are coming to Church on Sundays are following the rules, which make it a lot safer for everyone.
Online streaming will have to be ongoing! We do need a better video and sound system to keep it up for an extended time. Even if the virus is defeated many will still just participate online. We normally have several hundred each Sunday watching online, from all over the country, which is a good thing. Our Church has just extended and grown! If anyone would like to contribute to a belter system please consider doing so! Last estimate we had was about $3500. Stay safe and continue to pray for each other! John 13:34, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
Please let me hear from you! Tell me I am wrong or stupid if you want, but I am dying to hear from you until I can see you again!