I have been thinking what it means to be Christian and exactly what it is God wants from us as individuals. Since He made us and put us in this particular place and in this particular time, with these particular circumstances He must have some reason for it. He must have something particular that He wants us to do in the here and now, or He would not have put us here.
Some people say that the ultimate will of God is for us to glorify Him, but I believe this can be very misleading. God is the only being in existence that does not need nor want our glory. Why would God make beings just to give Him glory? He is glory! He is Divine! He is Creator! He is Life! He is God! And there is no other! He knows it and I know it. So why would He want us to tell Him something that He already knows better than anyone?
I think there are two reasons. First is that everyone does not know that God is Glory, Divine, Creator, God and Life. Many seem to think that things have just always existed without a creator or sustainer. Some even seem to think that they are god, or at least gods, and go about life trying to get everyone else to see it and acknowledge it and to give them glory. (By glory, I mean worship, honor and praise of someone greater than we are.) People seem to have a need to be praised!
Ever since Satan told Eve that to eat of the forbidden fruit would open their eyes and they would be like god, humans have grasped to be like god—to be better than other humans and to have others worship them. In our own little, insane worlds we have no room for the real God because we are so full of our own self-made god.
So for humans to glorify the real God is to admit reality—we really are not gods, we are just humans. Only God is God! So to glorify God is to get your priorities in order—just what many people are trying to do. No matter how hard you try or what order you put things, unless God is God for you and all glory goes to Him then your priorities will forever be out of place. For God, alone, deserves all the glory and to do or say otherwise is to forever remain outside of the real world and away from God and away from each other.
The second reason that we must give God all the glory is that we humans cannot handle glory. It makes is crazy! To give God the glory is to not give the glory to humans, including ourselves. To be insane is to believe yourself something that you are not. We are not God, no matter how hard we pretend. To give glory to God frees us up from having to pretend to be something that we are not and allows us to be human beings.
All the glory belongs to God because He is the source of everything. So to give Him the glory is to be set free to live and be and do as He intends for us to do and be.
So what is it that God wants from us? To love God as God and to love humans as our brothers and sisters! Something that we cannot do if we cling to the insane idea that we are gods ourselves! Just some rambling!